Sequence: A High Performance Sequential Semantic Log Parser at 175,000 MPS
Sun, Feb 1, 2015
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This is part 1 of the sequence series.
- Part 1 is about the high performance parser that can parse 100,000-200,000 MPs.
- Part 2 is about automating the process of reducing 100 of 1000’s of log messages down to dozens of unique patterns.
- Part 3 is about optimizing Go to achieve very high performance (200,000 - 500,000 MPS depending on message size) for scanning and tokenizing log messages
is a high performance sequential log parser. It sequentially goes through a log message, parses out the meaningful parts, without the use regular expressions. It can achieve high performance parsing of 100,000 - 200,000 messages per second (MPS) without the need to separate parsing rules by log source type.
is currently under active development and should be considered unstable until further notice.
If you have a set of logs you would like me to test out, please feel free to open an issue and we can arrange a way for me to download and test your logs.
Log messages are notoriusly difficult to parse because they all have different formats. Industries (see Splunk, ArcSight, Tibco LogLogic, Sumo Logic, Logentries, Loggly, LogRhythm, etc etc etc) have been built to solve the problems of parsing, understanding and analyzing log messages.
Let’s say you have a bunch of log files you like to parse. The first problem you will typically run into is you have no way of telling how many DIFFERENT types of messages there are, so you have no idea how much work there will be to develop rules to parse all the messages. Not only that, you have hundreds of thousands, if not millions of messages, in front of you, and you have no idea what messages are worth parsing, and what’s not.
The typical workflow is develop a set of regular expressions and keeps testing against the logs until some magical moment where all the logs you want parsed are parsed. Ask anyone who does this for a living and they will tell you this process is long, frustrating and error-prone.
Even after you have developed a set of regular expressions that match the original set of messages, if new messages come in, you will have to determine which of the new messages need to be parsed. And if you develop a new set of regular expressions to parse those new messages, you still have no idea if the regular expressions will conflict with the ones you wrote before. If you write your regex parsers too liberally, it can easily parse the wrong messages.
After all that, you will end up finding out the regex parsers are quite slow. It can typically parse several thousands messages per second. Given enough CPU resources on a large enough machine, regex parsers can probably parse tens of thousands of messages per second. Even to achieve this type of performance, you will likely need to limit the number of regular expressions the parser has. The more regex rules, the slower the parser will go.
To work around this performance issue, companies have tried to separate the regex rules for different log message types into different parsers. For example, they will have a parser for Cisco ASA logs, a parser for sshd logs, a parser for Apache logs, etc etc. And then they will require the users to tell them which parser to use (usually by indicating the log source type of the originating IP address or host.)
Sequence is developed to make analyzing and parsing log messages a lot easier and faster.
The following performance benchmarks are run on a single 4-core (2.8Ghz i7) MacBook Pro. The first file is a bunch of sshd logs, averaging 98 bytes per message. The second is a Cisco ASA log file, averaging 180 bytes per message.
$ ./sequence bench -p ../../patterns/sshd.txt -i ../../data/sshd.all
Parsed 212897 messages in 1.69 secs, ~ 126319.27 msgs/sec
$ ./sequence bench -p ../../patterns/asa.txt -i ../../data/allasa.log
Parsed 234815 messages in 2.89 secs, ~ 81323.41 msgs/sec
$ ./sequence bench -d ../patterns -i ../data/asasshsudo.log
Parsed 447745 messages in 4.47 secs, ~ 100159.65 msgs/sec
Performance can be improved by adding more cores:
GOMAXPROCS=2 ./sequence bench -p ../../patterns/sshd.txt -i ../../data/sshd.all -w 2
Parsed 212897 messages in 1.00 secs, ~ 212711.83 msgs/sec
$ GOMAXPROCS=2 ./sequence bench -p ../../patterns/asa.txt -i ../../data/allasa.log -w 2
Parsed 234815 messages in 1.56 secs, ~ 150769.68 msgs/sec
$ GOMAXPROCS=2 ./sequence bench -d ../patterns -i ../data/asasshsudo.log -w 2
Parsed 447745 messages in 2.52 secs, ~ 177875.94 msgs/sec
Documentation is available at godoc: package, command.
Copyright © 2014 Dataence, LLC. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
Roadmap / Futures
There are some pattern files developed for ASA, Sudo and SSH in the patterns
directory. The goal is to continue to develop a set of patterns for the various log messages, and along the way add additional features to the parser that can help make it even easier to parse log messages. So currently there’s not a set roadmap.
The following concepts are part of the package:
A Token is a piece of information extracted from the original log message. It is a struct that contains fields for TokenType, FieldType, Value, and indicators of whether it’s a key or value in the key=value pair.
A TokenType indicates whether the token is a literal string (one that does not change), a variable string (one that could have different values), an IPv4 or IPv6 address, a MAC address, an integer, a floating point number, or a timestamp.
A FieldType indicates the semantic meaning of the token. For example, a token could be a source IP address (%srcipv4%), or a user (%srcuser% or %dstuser%), an action (%action%) or a status (%status%).
A Sequence is a list of Tokens. It is returned by the Tokenizer, and the Parser.
A Scanner is a sequential lexical analyzer that breaks a log message into a sequence of tokens. It is sequential because it goes through log message sequentially tokentizing each part of the message, without the use of regular expressions. The scanner currently recognizes time stamps, IPv4 addresses, URLs, MAC addresses, integers and floating point numbers. It also recgonizes key=value or key=“value” or key=‘value’ or key=
pairs. A Parser is a tree-based parsing engine for log messages. It builds a parsing tree based on pattern sequence supplied, and for each message sequence, returns the matching pattern sequence. Each of the message tokens will be marked with the semantic field types.
Sequence Command
The sequence
command is developed to demonstrate the use of this package. You can find it in the sequence
directory. The sequence
command implements the sequential semantic log parser.
sequence [command]
Available Commands:
scan scan will tokenize a log file or message and output a list of tokens
parse parse will parse a log file and output a list of parsed tokens for each of the log messages
bench benchmark the parsing of a log file, no output is provided
help [command] Help about any command
sequence scan [flags]
Available Flags:
-h, --help=false: help for scan
-m, --msg="": message to tokenize
$ ./sequence scan -m "jan 14 10:15:56 testserver sudo: gonner : tty=pts/3 ; pwd=/home/gonner ; user=root ; command=/bin/su - ustream"
# 0: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%ts%", Value="jan 14 10:15:56" }
# 1: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%literal%", Value="testserver" }
# 2: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%literal%", Value="sudo" }
# 3: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%literal%", Value=":" }
# 4: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%literal%", Value="gonner" }
# 5: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%literal%", Value=":" }
# 6: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%literal%", Value="tty" }
# 7: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%literal%", Value="=" }
# 8: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%string%", Value="pts/3" }
# 9: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%literal%", Value=";" }
# 10: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%literal%", Value="pwd" }
# 11: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%literal%", Value="=" }
# 12: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%string%", Value="/home/gonner" }
# 13: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%literal%", Value=";" }
# 14: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%literal%", Value="user" }
# 15: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%literal%", Value="=" }
# 16: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%string%", Value="root" }
# 17: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%literal%", Value=";" }
# 18: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%literal%", Value="command" }
# 19: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%literal%", Value="=" }
# 20: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%string%", Value="/bin/su" }
# 21: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%literal%", Value="-" }
# 22: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%literal%", Value="ustream" }
sequence parse [flags]
Available Flags:
-h, --help=false: help for parse
-i, --infile="": input file, required
-o, --outfile="": output file, if empty, to stdout
-d, --patdir="": pattern directory,, all files in directory will be used
-p, --patfile="": initial pattern file, required
The following command parses a file based on existing rules. Note that the performance number (9570.20 msgs/sec) is mostly due to reading/writing to disk. To get a more realistic performance number, see the benchmark section below.
$ ./sequence parse -d ../../patterns -i ../../data/sshd.all -o parsed.sshd
Parsed 212897 messages in 22.25 secs, ~ 9570.20 msgs/sec
This is an entry from the output file:
Jan 15 19:39:26 jlz sshd[7778]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened for user jlz by (uid=0)
# 0: { Field="%createtime%", Type="%ts%", Value="jan 15 19:39:26" }
# 1: { Field="%apphost%", Type="%string%", Value="jlz" }
# 2: { Field="%appname%", Type="%string%", Value="sshd" }
# 3: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%literal%", Value="[" }
# 4: { Field="%sessionid%", Type="%integer%", Value="7778" }
# 5: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%literal%", Value="]" }
# 6: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%literal%", Value=":" }
# 7: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%string%", Value="pam_unix" }
# 8: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%literal%", Value="(" }
# 9: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%literal%", Value="sshd" }
# 10: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%literal%", Value=":" }
# 11: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%string%", Value="session" }
# 12: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%literal%", Value=")" }
# 13: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%literal%", Value=":" }
# 14: { Field="%object%", Type="%string%", Value="session" }
# 15: { Field="%action%", Type="%string%", Value="opened" }
# 16: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%literal%", Value="for" }
# 17: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%literal%", Value="user" }
# 18: { Field="%dstuser%", Type="%string%", Value="jlz" }
# 19: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%literal%", Value="by" }
# 20: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%literal%", Value="(" }
# 21: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%literal%", Value="uid" }
# 22: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%literal%", Value="=" }
# 23: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%integer%", Value="0" }
# 24: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%literal%", Value=")" }
sequence bench [flags]
Available Flags:
-c, --cpuprofile="": CPU profile filename
-h, --help=false: help for bench
-i, --infile="": input file, required
-d, --patdir="": pattern directory,, all files in directory will be used
-p, --patfile="": pattern file, required
-w, --workers=1: number of parsing workers
The following command will benchmark the parsing of two files. First file is a bunch of sshd logs, averaging 98 bytes per message. The second is a Cisco ASA log file, averaging 180 bytes per message.
$ ./sequence bench -p ../../patterns/sshd.txt -i ../../data/sshd.all
Parsed 212897 messages in 1.69 secs, ~ 126319.27 msgs/sec
$ ./sequence bench -p ../../patterns/asa.txt -i ../../data/allasa.log
Parsed 234815 messages in 2.89 secs, ~ 81323.41 msgs/sec
Performance can be improved by adding more cores:
GOMAXPROCS=2 ./sequence bench -p ../../patterns/sshd.txt -i ../../data/sshd.all -w 2
Parsed 212897 messages in 1.00 secs, ~ 212711.83 msgs/sec
$ GOMAXPROCS=2 ./sequence bench -p ../../patterns/asa.txt -i ../../data/allasa.log -w 2
Parsed 234815 messages in 1.56 secs, ~ 150769.68 msgs/sec
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